API documents

Thanks for choosing the Documents API to build NLP solutions into your app or website. Getting started with a new API can be challenging, so we have created a step-by-step guide that walks you through how to make your first API calls and more.

Version 1.0
Endpoint /-api/documents/v1


The current API supports Basic Authentication. Note that the username and password are secured via an HTTPS connection.

Import and annotate text

One of the most common scenarios using tagtog is to import text to tagtog. The text will be automatically annotated if you are using any of the mechanisms to annotate text automatically (dictionaries, tagtog ML or your own ML). The API is the perfect way to automate document imports. To import annotated documents, go to the section: Import annotated documents.

Plain text POST

Import plain text.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
text "Hello, World!" Plain text
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize ann.json The format of the output you want to be returned by the API. API output formats.

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

folder pool mySubFolder Folder to store the document to. More information. You can refer to a folder by index, full path, or simple name.
format Depends on the input type. Check the default formats. formatted Force the format of the input. More info.
distributeToMembers - John,Laura

Parameter that overrides the default project task distribution settings.

The format is a comma-separated list of the project user members to distribute to, and only those. Moreover, three special values exist: 1) "" (the empty string) means to perform no task distribution whatsoever; 2) "*" means to select all team members to distribute to; and 3) "-" means using the project default settings (same as actually not writing this parameter).

This parameter is useful to fine-control which documents should be distributed to which members, depending on some criteria. For example, you could distribute documents to different members depending on the upload folder.

filename text.txt myPlainTextFile.txt Force the document's filename with this argument, otherwise the default is used. Note that the filename must end with the extension .txt. Otherwise, this is appended to your given name.

Examples: send plain text

By default, plain text imported to tagtog uses the verbatim input format. You should use this default mode when you want to keep the same formatting as your input text.

The example below imports plain text and retrieves the annotations identified (if any) in ann.json format.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -d 'text="Hello, World!"' 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "ann.json"}
payload = {"text": "Hello, World!"}
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, data=payload)

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword'),
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({"text": "Hello, World!"})
}).then(response => response.json()).then(json => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

Examples: send plain text and format it

Use the input format formatted to clean and format your input.

This example imports plain text in formatted format and returns the result of the operation (output format null).

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"project": "yourProjectName", "owner": "yourUsername", "format": "formatted", "output": "null"}
payload = {
    "text": "The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie"
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, data=payload)


Import the content of a URL (HTML or other file) and annotate it.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_cruise_control_system URL to annotate
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize weburl The format of the output you want to be returned by the API. API output formats.

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

folder pool mySubFolder Folder to store the document to. More information. You can refer to a folder by index, full path, or simple name.
distributeToMembers - John,Laura

Parameter that overrides the default project task distribution settings.

The format is a comma-separated list of the project user members to distribute to, and only those. Moreover, three special values exist: 1) "" (the empty string) means to perform no task distribution whatsoever; 2) "*" means to select all team members to distribute to; and 3) "-" means using the project default settings (same as actually not writing this parameter).

This parameter is useful to fine-control which documents should be distributed to which members, depending on some criteria. For example, you could distribute documents to different members depending on the upload folder.

filename The original file name Autonomous_cruise_control_system.html Force the document's filename with this argument, otherwise the default is used. Note that the filename must end with the original extension. Otherwise, this is appended to your given name.

Examples: import a web page

The example below imports a URL and as the output, it retrieves the web link for the annotated document. That link redirects to the annotated document at the tagtog web app. You can use other output formats.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_cruise_control_system&output=weburl'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "weburl", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_cruise_control_system"}
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_cruise_control_system&output=weburl', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword')},
}).then(response => response.text()).then(text => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

Examples: import a file by URL

The example below imports a file given by a URL. The content will be represented by the default format associated to the filetype, in this case markdown. You can import other type of files as PDF or txt.

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017/lectures/master/README.md"}
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

Files POST

Import a file and annotate it.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
files text.txt, text2.txt List of files to annotate. Supported file types
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize ann.json The format of the output you want to be returned by the API. API output formats.

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

folder pool myFolder Folder to store the document to. More information. You can refer to a folder by index, full path, or simple name.
format verbatim Force how the format of the inputted text should be interpreted; more info.
distributeToMembers - John,Laura

Parameter that overrides the default project task distribution settings.

The format is a comma-separated list of the project user members to distribute to, and only those. Moreover, three special values exist: 1) "" (the empty string) means to perform no task distribution whatsoever; 2) "*" means to select all team members to distribute to; and 3) "-" means using the project default settings (same as actually not writing this parameter).

This parameter is useful to fine-control which documents should be distributed to which members, depending on some criteria. For example, you could distribute documents to different members depending on the upload folder.

filename The original file name MyNewDoc.pdf Force the document's filename with this argument, otherwise the default is used. Note that the filename must end with the original extension. Otherwise, this is appended to your given name.

Examples: import a plain text file

This example imports a file and retrieves the annotations in ann.json.

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "ann.json"}
#you can append more files to the list in case you want to upload multiple files
files = [("files", open('files/text.txt'))]
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

var input = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]')
var data = new FormData()
data.append("files", input.files[0])

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword')},
  body: data
}).then(response => response.text()).then(text => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -F 'files=@/files/document.txt' 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json'

Examples: import a PDF file

This example imports a PDF file and retrieves the annotations in ann.json. Please notice we open the PDF file in binary format. You can extend it easily to upload multiple files.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -F 'files=@/files/document.pdf' 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "ann.json"}
#you can append more files to the list in case you want to upload multiple files
files = [("files", open("files/document.pdf", "rb"))]
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import a markdown file

This example imports a markdown file. You can also import a txt file and force the format to markdown.

Using Markdown you can also use tagtog blocks to build a customized annotation layout for your project! E.g. question answering datasets, chatbot training, tweets, etc.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -F "files=@/files/readme.md" 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null"}
files = [("files", open('files/readme.md'))]
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import a list of files

This example imports a list of plain text files (it can be any other supported file type or a combination) and retrieves the result of the operation.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -F "files=@/files/item1.txt" -F "files=@/files/item2.txt" -F "files=@/files/item3.txt" 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null"}
files = [("files", open('files/item1.txt')), ("files", open('files/item2.txt')), ("files", open('files/item3.txt'))]
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

PubMed Abstracts POST GET

Import one or more PubMed abstracts and annotate them.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
idType tagtogID PMID Type of Id. List of idTypes
ids 23596191, 29438695 Comma-separated list of ids, all the same type. The response is limited to the last id imported.
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize ann.json The format of the output you want to be returned by the API. API output formats.

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

folder pool myFolder Folder to store the document to. More information. You can refer to a folder by index, full path, or simple name.
distributeToMembers - John,Laura

Parameter that overrides the default project task distribution settings.

The format is a comma-separated list of the project user members to distribute to, and only those. Moreover, three special values exist: 1) "" (the empty string) means to perform no task distribution whatsoever; 2) "*" means to select all team members to distribute to; and 3) "-" means using the project default settings (same as actually not writing this parameter).

This parameter is useful to fine-control which documents should be distributed to which members, depending on some criteria. For example, you could distribute documents to different members depending on the upload folder.

filename The original file name myPaper.xml Force the document's filename with this argument, otherwise the default is used. Note that the filename must end with the original extension. Otherwise, this is appended to your given name.

Examples: import a list of PubMed articles by PMID

The example below imports a list of PMIDs and retrieves the annotations of the last document in ann.json format.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&idType=PMID&ids=23596191,29438695&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'idType':'PMID', 'ids':['23596191','29438695'], "output": "ann.json"}
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/api/0.1/documents?project=yourProject&owner=yourUsername&idType=PMID&ids=23596191,29438695&output=ann.json', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers:  { 'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword'),
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(response => response.json()).then(json => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

Import annotated documents POST

If you have annotated documents you want to import, you need to upload two files:

The text or document. This can be a regular file (e.g. txt, xml, pdf, plain.html, etc.), plain text, etc. Check the supported input types

The annotations. You pass this as an ann.json.

They must have the same name, except for the file extensions. For example: mydoc.pdf and mydoc.ann.json.

You can use the same API method you use to upload a single file to annotate: Files API POST.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
files text.txt, text.ann.json You need to upload in the same request both: the text (supported input format) and the ann.json (annotations) files.
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize null
format No default for pre-annotated documents, you should always set this parameter default-plus-annjson Format of the pre-annotated document. List of supported pre-annotated formats: Pre-annotated formats

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

folder pool myFolder Folder to store the document to. More information. You can refer to a folder by index, full path, or simple name.
distributeToMembers - John,Laura

Parameter that overrides the default project task distribution settings.

The format is a comma-separated list of the project user members to distribute to, and only those. Moreover, three special values exist: 1) "" (the empty string) means to perform no task distribution whatsoever; 2) "*" means to select all team members to distribute to; and 3) "-" means using the project default settings (same as actually not writing this parameter).

This parameter is useful to fine-control which documents should be distributed to which members, depending on some criteria. For example, you could distribute documents to different members depending on the upload folder.

filename Name of the file imported myPlainTextFile.txt Force the document's filename with this argument, otherwise the default is used. Note that the filename must end with the original file extension. Otherwise, this is appended to your given name.

Examples: import pre-annotated plain text file

This example shows how to upload a preannotated document (txt file + ann.json) to tagtog. The format used is default-plus-annjson to indicate we are importing pre-annotated content, the text content will be represented using the default format. In this case, the default format for plain text is verbatim. Make sure the ann.json is well formated according to the ann.json specification.

  import requests

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"
  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null", 'format': 'default-plus-annjson'}

  files=[("files", open('files/text.txt')), ("files", open('files/text.ann.json'))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)
curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X POST -F "files=@/files/item1.txt" -F "files=@/files/item1.ann.json" 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&format=default-ann-json&output=ann.json'

Examples: import pre-annotated raw plain text

This example shows how to upload a preannotated document (plain text + ann.json) to tagtog. The format used is default-plus-annjson to indicate we are importing pre-annotated content, the text content will be represented using the default format. In this case, the default format for plain text is verbatim. Make sure the ann.json is well formated according to the ann.json specification. In this example, we put directly in the code the plain text and the ann.json. It might be useful if you don't want to store this content on physical files.

  import requests

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"
  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null", 'format': 'default-plus-annjson'}
  #you could easily point to an existing ann.json file or text file. e.g.: ("files", open('files/text.ann.json'))
  files=[('hellotag.txt', 'Hello tag world'), ('hellotag.ann.json', '{"annotatable": {"parts": ["s1v1"]},"anncomplete": false,"sources": [],"metas": {},"entities": [{"classId": "e_1","part": "s1v1","offsets": [{"start": 6,"text": "tag"}],"confidence": {"state": "pre-added","who": ["user:yourUsername"],"prob": 1},"fields": {},"normalizations": {}}],"relations": []}')]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import pre-annotated formatted text

Follow this sample only if you want to import pre-annotated documents to tagtog when the input text was formatted when annotated.

This example shows how to send text to be formatted along with its annotations. The format used is formatted-plus-annjson. The input files are in Github, you can find a link below.

  import requests
  import sys

  content_path = "files/formatted.txt"
  annjson_path = "files/formatted.ann.json"

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"project": "yourProjectName", "owner": "yourUsername", "format": "formatted-plus-annjson", "output": "null"}

  files=[("files", open(content_path)), ("files", open(annjson_path))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import pre-annotated PDF

This example shows how to import a PDF along with its annotations. The format used is default-plus-annjson as we want the PDF to use the default format and import annotations for this file. The input files are in Github, you can find a link below.

If you are rather annotating the PDF through tagtog’s internal plain.html (which contains the PDF’s text), take a look at this fully-working GitHub sample repository.

  import requests
  import sys

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"project": "yourProjectName", "owner": "yourUsername", "format": "default-plus-annjson", "output": "null"}

  files=[("files", open('files/article.pdf', "rb")), ("files", open('files/article.ann.json'))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import a list of pre-annotated files

This example shows how to import a list of pre-annotated files. The format used is default-plus-annjson as we want each file to use the default format and to be pre-annotated by an annotation file.

The expected input are pair of content+ann.json files.

  import requests
  import sys

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"project": "yourProjectName", "owner": "yourUsername", "format": "default-plus-annjson", "output": "null"}

  files=[("files", open('article.pdf', "rb")), ("files", open('article.ann.json')), ("files", open('item1.txt')), ("files", open('item1.ann.json'))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: import text pre-annotated by spaCy

This example shows how to generate a set of annotations with a spaCy model and send the pre-annotated text to tagtog. The model used is en_core_web_sm. We want to do NER and extract PEOPLE, ORG, and MONEY entities (see “Label Scheme”).

For more details, check out this step-by-step guide: Integrating tagtog and spaCy & the full GitHub repository.

import spacy
import json
import requests
import os

def get_class_id(label):
  Translates the spaCy label id into the tagtog entity type id
  - label: spaCy label id
  choices = {'PERSON': 'e_1', 'ORG': 'e_2', 'MONEY': 'e_3'}
  return choices.get(label, None)

def get_entities(spans, pipeline):
  Translates a tuple of named entity Span objects (https://spacy.io/api/span) into a
  list of tagtog entities (https://docs.tagtog.com/anndoc.html#ann-json). Each entity is
  defined by the entity type ID (classId), the part name where the annotation is (part),
  the entity offsets and the confidence (annotation status, who created it and probabilty).
  - spans: the named entities in the spaCy doc
  - pipeline: trained pipeline name
  default_prob = 1
  default_part_id = 's1v1'
  default_state = 'pre-added'
  tagtog_entities = []
  for span in spans:
    class_id = get_class_id(span.label_)
    if class_id is not None:
      tagtog_entities.append( {
        'classId': class_id,
        'part': default_part_id,
        'offsets':[{'start': span.start_char, 'text': span.text}],
        'confidence': {'state': default_state,'who': ['ml:' + pipeline],'prob': default_prob},
        # this is related to the kb_id (knowledge base ID) field from the Span spaCy object
        'normalizations': {}} )
  return tagtog_entities

MY_PROJECT = 'demo-spaCy'

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"
auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username=MY_USERNAME, password=MY_PASSWORD)

text = "Paypal Holdings Inc (PYPL) President and CEO Daniel Schulman Sold $2.7 million of Shares"
# Load the spaCy trained pipeline (https://spacy.io/models/en#en_core_web_sm) and apply it to text
pipeline = 'en_core_web_sm'
nlp = spacy.load(pipeline)
doc = nlp(text)

# Fill the ann.json
annjson = {}
annjson['anncomplete'] = False
annjson['metas'] = {}
annjson['relations'] = []
annjson['entities'] = get_entities(doc.ents, pipeline)

params = {'owner': MY_USERNAME, 'project': MY_PROJECT, 'output': 'null', 'format': 'default-plus-annjson'}
files=[('doc1.txt', text), ('doc1.ann.json', json.dumps(annjson))]
response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)


Replace annotations of existing document POST

You should use two files:

The original content file or the plain.html.

The annotations. You pass this as an ann.json.

If you use the original content file, it must have the same name as the original. If you want to use the plain.html, it should use the same name as the original plain.html.

Both files (content and annotations) should have the same name, except for the file extensions. For example: mydoc.txt and mydoc.ann.json. Or, if with a plain.html: mydoc-3243hdsfk3.plain.html and mydoc-3243hdsfk3.ann.json

If the original content doesn't exist in your project, the pre-annotated document will be also imported as new.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
files mydoc.txt, mydoc.ann.json You need to upload in the same request both: the content file and the ann.json (annotations) files.
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use
output visualize null
format anndoc anndoc Format of the pre-annotated document. List of supported pre-annotated formats: Pre-annotated formats

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

Examples: replace the annotations of an existing document using the original content

As you can see, this example is basically the same as the example to upload pre-annotated plain text. The only difference is that the original file should already exist in your project.

This example shows how to replace the annotations of an existing document (content + ann.json) to tagtog. If the original file doesn't exist in your project, it will be created.

  import requests

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null", 'format': 'default-plus-annjson'}

  files = [("files", open('/annotated-docs/mydoc.txt')), ("files", open('/annotated-docs/mydoc.ann.json'))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Examples: replace the annotations of an existing document using plain.html

If it is more convenient, you can use the plain.html version of the original file (plain text representation of the file) to replace the annotations on the original file.

This example shows how to replace the annotations of an existing document (plain.html + ann.json) to tagtog. Please notice that the original file should already exist in your project. tagtog will automatically identify the original file and replace its annotations.

  import requests

  tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

  auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
  params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", "output": "null", 'format': 'anndoc'}

  files=[("files", open('files/article.html')), ("files", open('files/article.ann.json'))]

  response = requests.post(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth, files=files)

Search documents in a project GET

You can search using the documents API. Search across your project and retrieves the matching documents. You can use it to augment your own search engine or simply create a new one. It is also very simple to use the search API to display statistics.

Learn how to build search queries here.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
search entity:GGP:P02649 or folder:pool Search query. Learn how to build queries here.
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
page 0 1 Number: page number in a paginated search.
output search search

You can choose between search or csv

search (search response): use it to perform search queries.

csv: it ignores the query parameter and retrieves for each document its id and status (true if annotations are completed/confirmed, false if not)

Search response format

Response format for search queries.

  "version": "String: this format's version, e.g. 0.7.0",
  "search": "String: user search query",
  "totalFound": "Number: total number of documents that match the search query",
  "pages": {
    //the search is paginated
    "current": "Number: paginated search's current page number (0-indexed)",
    "previous": "Number: paginated search's previous page; -1 if current page == 0",
    "next": "Number: paginated search's current page; -1 if current page is the last page",
    "numPages": "Number: number of pages; at least 1",
    "pageSize": "Number: number of document elements in the page; always 50"
      "id": "String: full tagtogID -- Use this to download the document",
      "filename": "String: filename of originally uploaded file",
      "header": "String: title if the document has a natural title or otherwise an excerpt of the text's start",
      "created": "String: date for the document' upload time, in ISO_INSTANT format, e.g. 2021-07-15T16:21:25.750Z",
      "updated": "String: date for the document' last update, in ISO_INSTANT format, e.g. 2021-07-16T16:28:17.285Z",
      "anncomplete": "Boolean: status for the document's annotation completion",
      "members_anncomplete": ["String Array: members' usernames who completed (confirmed) their annotations"],
      "members_assigned": ["String Array: members' usernames who were asssigned to this document"],
      "folder": "String: folder path where the document is located; e.g. `pool/mySubFolder`"
    //next documents in the array of results...

Examples: search using search queries

This example searches across all your folders to find documents that have at least one entity normalized to the gene P02649.

Get existing documents GET

You can use the API to export documents. You need the id of the document to get it. If you don't have this id, you can find it using the search feature. You can export only 1 document within each request.

Specify the output parameter to define the output format (e.g. ann.json, html)

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
output visualization ann.json The format of the output you want to be returned by the API. API output formats.
idType tagtogID tagtogID Type of Id. List of idTypes
ids aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text The id of the document you want to download. Note, the parameter is called "ids" for historical reasons. In the future, we might also allow to download multiple files at once.
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use

Optional Parameters

Name Default Example Description
member master John

Annotation version, either master (aka ground truth) or a project member's username (see multiple team members).

Examples: get the annotations of a document by document id

This example retrieves the annotations of a document in ann.json format. As the member parameter is not defined, the master version of the annotations is served. Notice that we don't use the parameter idType because it defaults to tagtogID, the type of the id used.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&ids=aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text&output=ann.json'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'ids':'aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text', "output": "ann.json"}
response = requests.get(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&ids=aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text&output=ann.json', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword')},
}).then(response => response.text()).then(text => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

Examples: get the member's annotations of a document by document id

This example retrieves the annotations of tagtog document in ann.json format. A document can have different annotation versions, in this case we want the version of the annotations from the member John

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'ids':'aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text', 'member': 'John', "output": "ann.json"}
response = requests.get(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

Examples: get the original document by document id

This example download the original document (format orig) given a document id. Notice that we don't use the parameter idType because it defaults to tagtogID, the type of the id used.

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'ids':'aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text', "output": "orig"}
response = requests.get(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
    with open("mydoc.pdf", "wb") as f:

Examples: get the html version of a document by document id

This example download the HTML version of a document (format html) given a document id. The HTML follows the plain.html specification, which is the text representation of the original document, used to calculate the offsets of the annotations.

import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"
docId = "aVTjgPL0x5m_xgJr3qcpfXcSoY_q-text"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'ids':docId, "output": "html"}
response = requests.get(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
    with open(docId + '.html', 'wb') as f:

Delete documents DELETE

Delete documents by search

You can delete documents in your project using the API. Fine-tune the search parameter to delete only those documents returned by the search query.

This request returns the number of documents deleted.

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
search entity:GGP Search query to list the documents to remove. Learn how to build queries here
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use

Examples: delete documents using a search query

This example deletes all documents that contain at least one entity of type gene.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X DELETE 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&search=entity:gene'
import requests

tagtogAPIUrl = "https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1"

auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username="yourUsername", password="yourPassword")
params = {"owner": "yourUsername", "project": "yourProjectName", 'search':'entity:gene'}
response = requests.delete(tagtogAPIUrl, params=params, auth=auth)

fetch('https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&search=entity:gene', {
  method: 'DELETE',
  headers: {'Authorization' : "Basic " + btoa('yourUsername' + ":" + 'yourPassword')},
}).then(response => response.text()).then(text => {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error: ', error);

Delete document by id

Delete a single document given its tagtog document id.

This request returns the number of documents deleted (1 if the document was successfully deleted, 0 otherwise).

Input Parameters

Name Default Example Description
idType tagtogID (mandatory)
ids aEVD52vVm.s2zdTmzK_ACNqH7Z1u-text
project yourProjectName Name of the project
owner yourUsername (in this example we assume the user is also the owner of the project) Owner of the project you want to use

Examples: delete a document by document id

This example deletes a document given by its (tagtog) document id.

curl -u yourUsername:yourPassword -X DELETE 'https://www.tagtog.com/-api/documents/v1?owner=yourUsername&project=yourProjectName&idType=tagtogID&ids=yourDocumentTagtogID'

idType parameter

Possible values for the parameter are described below.

Name Description
tagtogID This is the default value. tagtog-internal document id or docid (e.g. ai1AzDk4wQzbL.BKzlrA_CrK8gJi-text). Its use implicitly means that the document already exists in the associated project.
PMCID PubMed Central ID.

Manage annotation versions

🤠𝛂 These APIs are in alpha, and can change at any moment. We give early access for your benefit.

Merge the annotations of a document (Automatic Adjudication)

Merge the confirmed members’ annotations of a document.

This assumes that the document was confirmed by at least one member. If the given document was no confirmed by any member yet, the response will return an error.

You can know which documents have at least one version confirmed using the search API.

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /-api/documents/versions/v0/merge?owner=...&project=...

Input (parameters)

Body: None

Type Name Default Example Description
Query docid   “xxx-text.txt” tagtog’s id of the document to merge.
Query strategy   “union_v1” Merging strategy, in:
Query saveTo (OPTIONAL) N.A. “master” project member’s username (incl. “master”) to save the annotation merging result to. The merging result is always returned in the body response as an ann.json object. Additionally, if you set this parameter, the result annotations will be saved in the given member.


Successful status code: 200 (OK)

Payload: JSON (application/json)

The merging’s ann.json result.

Copy the annotations from a member to another one

This assumes that the member to copy the annotations from (the source) actually has some annotations. It’s also possible to copy the annotations of master to another member or viceversa.

NOTE: the copying of annotations is always disallowed if the member to save to (the target) already had confirmed annotations.

NOTE: Even if the source annotations were confirmed, the resulting annotations in target will always be unconfirmed.

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /-api/documents/versions/v0/copy?owner=...&project=...

Input (parameters)

Body: None

Type Name Default Example Description
Query docid   “xxx-text.txt” tagtog’s id of the document (annotations) to copy.
Query from   “user-A” source; project member’s username (incl. “master”) to copy the annotations from.
Query saveTo   “user-B” target; project member’s username (incl. “master”) to save the annotations to. The resulting annotations are always returned in the body response as an ann.json object.


Successful status code: 200 (OK)

Payload: JSON (application/json)

The final ann.json now stored in the saveTo member. This ann.json is always unconfirmed, nevermind the status of the source annotations.

API Clients

Python tagtog script

If you want to use an already built API client. You have the tagtog python API script to do many common operations in tagtog using the API: upload (also folders), search, delete, and download documents!

usage: tagtog [-h] {upload,search,download,delete} ...

    tagtog official script to Upload & Search & Download & Delete documents.

    Version: 0.3.0
    Author: tagtog Sp. z o.o.

    Website: https://www.tagtog.com
    API documentation: https://docs.tagtog.com/API_documents_v1.html

positional arguments:
    upload              Upload files to tagtog
    search              Search documents by query, e.g. `*` (all)
    download            Download documents by search query, e.g. `updated:[NOW-1DAY to NOW]
    delete              Delete documents that match a search query, e.g. `docid:aZ8wXRHvqyw7tjBQW8NXMTPQ0S.C-test.md` (to delete a specific doc)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


It uses the API to search documents in your project. Parameters can be consulted here or using tagtog.py search --help. You can learn how to build search queries here

The example below retrieves all the documents from your project.

python3 tagtog.py search "*" -u yourUsername -w yourPassword -o yourUsername -p yourProjectName


It uses the API to upload documents to your project.

Upload PMIDs

Parameters can be consulted here or using tagtog.py upload --help.

The example below upload the abstract from two PMIDs to your project. Remember to indicate which is the type of id (--idType or -i) for the document.

python3 tagtog.py upload 29539636,29531059 -u yourUsername -w yourPassword -o yourUsername -p yourProjectName -i PMID
Upload files

Parameters can be consulted using tagtog.py upload --help. You must include the parameter --extension or -e to indicate the extension of the files to upload (e.g. txt, pdf, etc.). These are the input files supported

The example below upload the PDF documents of a folder, to your project.

python3 tagtog.py upload ./myfolder -u yourUsername -w yourPassword -o yourUsername -p yourProjectName --extension pdf

The example below upload a single file to your project.

python3 tagtog.py upload ./myfile.txt -u yourUsername -w yourPassword -o yourUsername -p yourProjectName


It uses the API to download documents from your project. In one call to the script you can download all documents matching a search query.

Parameters can be consulted using tagtog.py download --help.

You can indicate the folder where you can store the downloaded documents using the parameter --output_folder (it defaults to the folder where the script is running).

Use the parameter --output or -t to indicate the output type for the downloaded files.

You can learn how to build search queries here

The example below download the annotations (ann.json) for all the documents in a project.

python3 tagtog.py download "*" -u yourUsername -w yourPassword -o yourUsername -p yourProjectName --output_folder ./myDownloadFolder -t ann.json